La CASA is committed to ensuring students have access to information and have readily available resources. This page is dedicated to that mission through sharing on-campus resources, research positions, and internship opportunities available both through USC departments and private organizations.
On-Campus Resources
Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity
- Offers workshops, drop-ins, and academic coach to help students build skills such as time management, stress management, and more!
- Visit the center at the Student Union (STU) Suite 311
- Offers drop-in academic assistance for math courses. It works best to use the center as a study room and as you need help, ask one of the Teaching Assistants or a Math Center Assistant.
- Visit the center at Kaprielian Hall (KAP) 263
- Provides free, individualized feedback on any kind of writing to current USC students, faculty, and staff
- Visit the center at Taper Hall (THH) 216a
Research, Internship Opportunities, and Graduate School Assistance
The fundamental objective of MMUF is to increase the number of minority students in Ph.D. programs in the arts and sciences. Each MMUF Fellow is paired with a faculty mentor who assists them with their research project. Fellows present their research through scholarly articles, oral reports, workshops, conferences, multimedia displays, and/or at USC’s annual undergraduate symposium for scholarly and creative work. Fellows attend annual Western Regional Conferences, dinner and research symposiums, and graduate school workshops; receive fall, spring, and summer research stipends; GRE preparation; GRE fee waivers; fee waivers for graduate school applications; conference travel; and qualify for loan repayment programs.
- National Website:
- Office Phone: (213) 740-5240
The Research Gateway Scholars Program is a student academic services initiative sponsored by the University of Southern California, Office of Undergraduate Programs. The program builds upon the best program practices and remarkable success of the USC McNair Scholars Program. Through an array of academic affairs initiatives and student services, the Research Gateway Scholars Program provides educational and career advising, academic skills building workshops/seminars, research training and other research-related opportunities, graduate school preparation, mentorships, summer programs, opportunities to participate in national-level academic and professional conferences, and scholarships and other supplemental funding. Eligible students include a select group of high achieving undergraduates from first generation college backgrounds, low-income households, and historically underrepresented minority communities. At USC, the program is administered collaboratively with the support of multiple departments across the university. In critical ways, the program complements USC’s core academic, student affairs, and diversity programs.
- Phone: (213) 740-8702
The Fisher Fellowship is the first program at USC Dornsife that enables students with financial needs to fully participate in the enrichment opportunities that are at the heart of the college. Students selected for this program will receive between $6,000 and $10,000, which may be used over a three-year period to participate in programs that involve international travel, field research, and service to various communities.
- Contact: Danika Newlee
- Email:
The Institute for the Recruitment of Teachers strives to increase the number of minority students pursuing graduate degrees in teaching, counseling and administrative careers so that the pool of potential faculty members in the K-12 and university levels will become more diverse. Each year, the institute supports outstanding college students and graduates from diverse backgrounds throughout the graduate school application process. The Summer Workshop is a four-week long program, where students work with faculty in seminars ranging from writing, discussions, conferences, debates and presentations. Students engage in a graduate-level curriculum, prepare for the GRE and work on statements of purpose that will be part of their graduate school applications. Participants receive a $1200 stipend, travel expenses, and room and board. Deadline is April 1st of each year.
- Phone: (978) 749-4116
- Email:
By providing a distinctive undergraduate experience built on excellent liberal arts and professional programs, we aim to create unique opportunities for career preparation through innovative collaborations across disciplines. The university’s commitment to becoming the world center for innovative interdisciplinary research and undergraduate education is reflected in the emphasis on providing opportunities for students to participate in research and related scholarly endeavors. Our academic programs span the spectrum from basic to applied research with a high degree of societal relevance. This focus on undergraduate participation in the creation of knowledge is a principal ingredient of the academic experience at USC.
- Phone: (213) 740-1741
- Email:
Internship Opportunities
The USC Global Fellows Internship Program provides $5,000-$7,000 stipends to USC undergraduates who are United States citizens to live and intern in Asia for an eight-week period during the summer. This program aims to increase student understanding of international business, politics, and culture. Students will have the opportunity to establish relationships and gain invaluable work experience under the supervision of International and/or American organizations abroad. Students are selected through an application and interview process. Internships are likely to be available in commercial, political and cultural centers such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Haikou, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, and Tokyo, among others.
- Phone: (213) 740-9111
INROADS is an international organization with more than 50 offices serving more than 5,000 Interns at over 600 companies. The mission of INROADS is to develop and place talented minority youth in business and industry and prepare them for corporate and community leadership. INROADS provides students with direct and immediate access to the corporate world through paid internships with Fortune 1000 companies. Internships are for students with a career interest in Business, Engineering, Computer & Information Science, Sales, Marketing, Allied Healthcare, or Retail management. Apply today!
- Phone: (562) 777-1711
- Email:
Connect SC is a USC Career Center tool created to help students receive assistance with selecting a major, looking for an internship, resume critique, mock interviews or pursuing a professional position. Students may take advantage of career counseling/advising by making an appointment 24/7 on connectSC. Connect SC is available through each student’s MyUSC portal or through the career center website.
- Phone: (213) 740-9111
- Email:
The Marshall School of Business has partnered with a number of internship providers and agencies to provide students access to internship experiences outside of the US. The goal is to provide students with theoretical as well as practical experiences working and navigating within the international global environment. Currently, partnerships are in London (one for freshmen and one for more advanced students), Madrid, Dublin, Prague, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Milan, Italy (for students interested in Fashion). All locations except the advanced London option are open to all USC undergraduate majors interested in perfecting their leadership abilities within an international environment. Students selected by USC Marshall to participate in one of these locations are also eligible to apply for a need-based scholarship partially funded by the Winslow-Maxwell Foundation. Students were given almost $80,000 in support during the summer of 2015.
Companies actively search for students who are tops in their classes and have actual experience within their field. To help alleviate this problem, the Marshall School has launched the “Marshall International Summer Internship Program”. Students who are selected for MISIP will spend June and July (the dates of the program are approximately June 1-August 1), gaining invaluable work and cultural experiences outside of the U.S. Students selected to participate in the program will be provided a stipend, which will cover their economy class air ticket, rent for reasonable and secure housing, and meals. MISIP interns will NOT be required to enroll in a USC class, nor will USC charge any fees, other than International Insurance (no program fees). Students will NOT be able to select the industry in which they will intern nor the company for whom they will work. The committee will do their best to match students to areas of interest, but cannot make any guarantees. The program is open to USC Business Majors or Minors ONLY.
- Phone: (213) 740-5705
- Email:
Post Graduate Programs
The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program aims to improve foreign language education in Japan and to encourage international exchange by fostering ties between Japanese youth and foreign youth. JET Program participants have the opportunity of serving in local government offices as well as public and private elementary schools, junior high and senior high schools. Participants are appointed by a contracting organization for a one-year period; the cost of transportation is covered by the program as well as compensation.
- E-mail:
- Phone: (213) 617-6700 ext. 332
Programs For Graduate Students
The Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs is a full-time, nine month, graduate-level experiential leadership training program that prepares diverse, talented and committed individuals for effective and ethical leadership in the public affairs arena. The Fellows Program is rigorous and demanding, and is offered in Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and St. Louis. Coro introduces program participants to all aspects of the public affairs arena, preparing them to translate their ideals into action for improving their own communities and beyond.
- E-mail: Tu-Han Phan, Director of Outreach and Recruitment: or for general info, email:
- Phone: (213) 346-3219
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is an independent, nonprofit international organization founded in 1923. It nurtures new generations of social scientists, fosters innovative research, and mobilizes necessary knowledge on important public issues. The SSRC administers the annual graduate student conference and pre-doctoral grants for Mellon Fellows.
- Phone: (212) 377-2700
- Email:
The Graduate School oversees and confers all Ph.D. and master’s degrees at USC, in the College of Arts and Sciences and the university’s 17 professional schools. The Graduate School is responsible for:
- Providing oversight to ensure consistency with the academic goals of USC;
- Fostering high-quality education;
- Seeking a graduate student body that reflects our multiracial, multiethnic society;
- Helping students obtain the maximum benefit from the teaching and research activities of the university; and ensuring the equitable treatment of all graduate students.
- Phone: (213) 740-1111
Other Opportunities to Check Out
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for individually designed study/research projects or English Teaching Assistantships. Fulbright provides full funding for a year abroad in over 150 countries for graduating seniors and graduate students who are U.S. citizens. Fulbright grants generally provide round-trip transportation; language or orientation courses, where appropriate; tuition, in some cases; book and research allowances; a maintenance allowance for the academic year, based on living costs in the host country; and supplemental health and accident insurance.
- Email:
- Phone: (213) 740-9116
- USC Website: