Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (Gammas)
“Cultivating leaders, strengthening communities”
Organization Email:
National Website:
Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. established December 3rd, 1987 is proud to be the first Latino Interest Fraternity on the West Coast. For over two decades, this fraternity has become an instrument for promoting the development of Latino males in higher education and has served as a vehicle for creating the Latino leaders of tomorrow. Our establishment is based on the principles of Academic Excellence, through which we encourage and support Latino males in higher education; Community Service, allowing us to give back to our communities and those of similar backgrounds; and the Maintenance of the Latino Culture through Brotherhood. Since 2008, Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has been recognized as the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organization (NALFO)’ s Fraternity of the Year four times.
Event Spotlight:
Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Rho Chapter at USC has proudly work with the School On Wheels program. The mission of School on Wheels is to enhance educational opportunities for homeless children from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Every semester, Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. brings School on Wheels to campus for a youth conference that focuses on motivating students to pursue higher education. We are also proud to be the official Greek sponsor of the California State Academic Decathlon. By coordinating with local Academic Decathlon offices, all chapters facilitate county competitions. Brothers aid in event logistics and serve as speech and interview judges for the competition, ensuring the ongoing success of a staple activity within California high schools.
Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc.
“Leading with Integrity, United through Service”
Organization Email:
Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. is a Latina founded, national sorority that aims to achieve professional development, academic excellence, and graduation of all its members; an organization dedicated to community service to their local university communities with an emphasis on the Hispanic/Latino population. Our organization was established on April 6, 1987 at Texas Tech University by four women who recognized the need to unify and promote leadership amongst Latina women at the university. Over the years, Kappa Delta Chi has grown to include women of various ethnicities and cultures and has inducted other chapters throughout the country. All with the common premise of joining Kappa Delta Chi because of the scholastic, philanthropic, and ethical standards that it cultivates and encourages. These are the standards that we achieve through sisterly friendship and servitude to each other and to those around us. While founded in 1987, Kappa Delta Chi was established at USC in the spring of 2017. We are now known as the Bien Orgullosa Beta Omega Chapter! Over the previous years, our organization has grown and flourished tremendously with the unwavering support and dedication of our sisters. Kappa Delta Chi strives to foster future leaders through the values of Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership. We are dedicated to meaningful service, academic advancement, and to strengthening a sisterhood that will last a lifetime. We take pride in our sisters and supporting their journey through college and beyond!
Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.
Contact: Vanessa Gonzalez
Organization email:
Lambda Theta Alpha was founded at Kean University, in NJ in December of 1975, as the first sorority ever created to cater towards the needs of Latinas in the nation. The purpose of Lambda Theta Alpha shall be to provide a sisterhood based on Unity, Love, & Respect. To develop strong Leaders who will then provide and practice political, social and cultural activities. To promote Latino Unity through charitable and educational programs and to maintain a high standard of learning and serve as a voice for all Latino students.
Lambda Theta Alpha is not an exclusive group of women. Although our roots are Latin, we have sisters from various cultures, nationalities and races including Caribbean, Caucasian, African American, European, Central and South American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and many more. We are an organization that fights for the empowerment of all women, regardless of their race, color, creed or religion.
Event Spotlight
Every Fall Semester, sisters host the Universal Woman Campaign. A week of events catered toward empowering women and students of color.
Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc.
“Strong, Dedicated, Giving and Progressive”
Instagram: @tantilizinglambdas
Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. was established on March 11, 1986 at California State University, Chico. Founded on three pillars of academic excellence, community service, and sisterhood, our organization strives to cultivate leaders by supporting the growth and development of women of color in higher education. As an academic organization, we encourage our members to challenge themselves in their studies. In the past we have continuously had one of the highest GPA’s in the Multicultural Greek Council and in Spring 2013 we received our sorority’s national Academic Excellence Chapter of the year award and we also had the highest GPA out of all Greek organizations at USC. In addition to participating in and organizing on-campus activities, we participate in various projects that help us serve the needs of our community and to serve as positive role models for our youth. Through these experiences, we help develop the leadership potential and skills of each of our sisters while developing and maintaining strong bonds with one another. Our goal is to offer support for our sisters not only throughout their undergraduate career, but also during their endeavors in post-graduate work and the professional world. Our sisterhood extends past our undergraduate years, into the rest of our lives.
Event Spotlight:
Every spring semester Lambda Theta Nu Sorority Inc. hosts the Latina Youth Leadership Conference on the USC campus. We bring in high school girls of color to introduce them to college life through various workshops. The workshops focus on college academics and financial aid, self-empowerment and opportunities in higher education. We hope that through this event, young girls are able to set themselves up to achieve success as they continue through high school and pursue higher education. Our chapter is also proud to offer a scholarship every spring to a local college-bound senior.
Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
“Chivalry Above Self”
Contact: Miguel Moran
Organization Website:
Facebook: USC Lambdas: the Empire of Troy
Instagram: @trojan_lambdas
Lambda Theta Phi is the first and largest Latin fraternity in the nation with over 150 chapters across the United States. The fraternity provides the Latino college student the opportunity to be part of a family with a mission: To cultivate a spirit of brotherhood, to value an education, to promote unity among all Latinos, to be proud of and cherish our heritage, to assert roles of leadership, to develop character, to practice chivalry, and to serve mankind. Lambda Theta Phi raises the social and cultural conscience of the Latin male college student. Since its start at Kean University in 1975, it has raised awareness for political involvement amongst Latinos through their national philanthropy, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.
The Beta Lambda chapter at USC looks for strong-minded young men that want to promote unity and leadership within the community. Founded on March 2000, our chapter prides itself in focusing on the quality of our members, not the quantity. Brothers have developed events that raise funds for the homeless, raise awareness to Latino culture to the campus, and promote professionalism during the undergraduate years and after college. Graduates of the fraternity have gone to work at start-up companies, STEM-related careers, and Law.
Event Spotlight:
Every semester, Lambda Theta Phi hosts “Feed the Less Fortunate.” Brothers come together with other organizations to make food for the homeless in Skid Row. The event provides its participants with an eye opening experience the homeless in downtown Los Angeles.
La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc
“La Unidad Para Siempre”
Organization Website:
Instagram: @lul_trojans
La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated was established on February 19, 1982 in order to address the shortcomings of academic institutions in meeting and addressing the needs of Latino students in higher education. Founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated primarily seeks to take a leadership role in meeting the needs of the Latino community through cultural awareness, community service, and promotion of the Latino culture and people. La Unidad Latina is committed to developing its members and peers into mature, intelligent, socially active, and culturally conscious individuals, who, via mutual support, can excel academically and professionally. La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated is looking for individuals with vision, determination, pride, and a commitment to accomplish the goals it has set for itself.
Event Spotlight:
This year will mark the 7th Annual P.O.D.E.R Mural (Pintando Disenos Orgullosamente Expresando nuestra Realidad) in conjunction with Lambda Theta Alpha of UCLA. We plan on working with a local grade school in the Los Angeles area and getting their students involved in the creation of a unique mural conveying whatever message they feel suits them best. Details coming soon.
Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
“Serving and Educating through Our Diversity”
“Sirviendo y Educando a traves de Nuestra Diversidad”
Contact: Jessica Guevara
Instagram @calibetas
Founded on March 15, 1989 at the University of Albany, in New York, Omega Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated strives to serve and educate people of diverse backgrounds through sisterhood, leadership, and guidance. As positive role models, we promote unity of all cultures, focus on the empowerment of our gender and raise the standards of excellence in our academic, social, and personal endeavors.
USC’s 2011 Campus-wide Greek Organization of the Year, OPBSI – Phi Chapter, was chartered at USC in the Fall of 2003. It was the first MGC organization to Probate and Surface at USC, bringing many east coast traditions to the west. Proud of the struggle and hard work that went into bringing our organization to campus, we stand up for what we believe and have worked hard to get our deserved respect. Our chapter continues to bring great programming to campus and has received National recognition for our Leadership and Unity Conference: Project UJIMA. We are the first Latina-based organization in USC’s history to win the community service award at the university’s all council’s Greek awards. In addition we were also the first Greek-lettered organization to be awarded Organization of the Year for the Latino Student Assembly. Our most recent awards include 2016-2017 awards for Innovative Collaboration, Wellness and Safety Excellence, and Diversity & Inclusivity from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Development.
Event Spotlight:
Our Week of Illumination is hosted each year, which dedicated to political and social issues that often go ignored in our communities.
Sigma Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc.
“Opportunity for Wisdom, Wisdom for Culture”
Instagram: @usc_sds
Sigma Delta Sigma Sorority, Delta Chapter was founded in May 2013. SDS is a multicultural, communityservice based sorority that aims to unify women of all backgrounds through sisterhood and service. Our motto “Strength through Diversity and Sisterhood” reflects how we need love and understanding in order to grow as individuals, as sisters, and as a community.
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc.
“Opportunity for Wisdom, Wisdom for Culture”
Organization Email:
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc. was established at the University of Iowa in 1986 by 18 men of diverse cultural backgrounds. Since its establishment, Sigma Lambda Beta has become the largest, fastest growing, and most successful Latino-based multicultural organization. Built upon the principles of Brotherhood, Scholarship, Community Service, and Cultural Awareness, Sigma Lambda Beta’s mission is to better serve the needs and wants of all people.
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc. values fairness, opportunity, and the equality of all men regardless of their race, culture, or ethnicity. We are committed to creating and expanding multicultural leadership, promoting academic excellence, advocating cultural awareness and education, and establishing a brotherhood amongst all intelligent and dedicated young men on university campuses across the nation.
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. (SLG)
“Culture is Pride, Pride is Success”
Organization Email:
National Website:
Lambda Gamma is the largest and fastest growing Latina-based sorority. At USC, we are proud to be one of the most diverse multicultural sororities on campus. Our sisters take pride in their respective cultures and are always learning from the cultures around them.
Gammas are an incredibly diverse group of women committed to empowering ourselves and our community through our five principles: Academics, Community Service, Morals and Ethics, Cultural Awareness and Social Interaction. We are always spending time with one another whether we’re strolling, working on homework, hanging out or any other crazy thing we come up with! We’re not shy so come up and introduce yourself if you ever run into one of us on campus!
Event Spotlight:
During the Fall semester, the Nu Alpha chapter at the University of Southern California hosts “Check Yourself.” It is an event dedicated to educate the USC community on Breast Cancer and what they can do to support awareness, as well as help out the cause. We bring in survivors, doctors and representatives from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. During the Spring semester, our signature event is “Empowering Women”. This event serves to expose individuals to the stories, accomplishments, and challenges women from different cultural backgrounds have faced. The distinguished women who speak, on the panel, demonstrate how they have become leaders in our society, on their own.